Thursday, May 24, 2007

I need endorphins

I've never been the jealous type. If she told me that she was gonna go out or w/e i wouldn't even think twice about it. Even if she was gonna go to a club (which she hasn't), again, i wouldn't think twice if not once about it. But this guy that's her friend is bothering me a bit. More so my dreams then my conscience mind. It keeps conjuring up images that are hurtful to the extreme.

I can just see it all happening.
It's gonna take a little bit longer for her to get over me. But she wont tell me she doesn't love me anymore cause she'll be afraid to. Then eventually he'll "develop feelings" for her and vice versa. She'll be really conflicted about it but then after some time she'll just "be with him" and hope that one of her friends will know about it and word will spread and i will find out that way .
Then i will go into another great depression...

bring on ww2.

1 comment:

ryansulovesbeer said...

we need muskets. we need it fast.

i also dislike other men. *shifty eyes*